Holistic Maternity Support for an Empowering Birth Experience
Shevone’s Story
When Shevone reached out to me in January 2023, she was already 36 weeks pregnant and preparing for something the maternity system deemed nearly impossible—a home birth after three previous caesareans (HBA3C) with twins.
Her pregnancy journey had been met with resistance from medical professionals, who strongly recommended a repeat C-section due to the perceived risks. However, Shevone was incredibly well-informed, determined, and deeply in tune with her body. She had done her research, carefully weighed up the risks and benefits, and was confident in her decision to pursue a home birth.
Knowing she needed an extra layer of support and advocacy, she contacted me to stand beside her, attend her medical appointments, and ensure her choices were respected.
Shevone’s Words
Hey Lou,
Just wanted to come on here quickly to say from the depths of my heart…
I cannot express in words nor money how invaluable you have been to me and our birth.
The twins are doing well, and I hope to spread the word that…
Having a birth keeper like you by someone’s side is more than a blessing.
Thank you again!
With the system pushing for another surgical birth, my role was to help Shevone navigate the medical landscape while ensuring she had all the information, reassurance, and emotional support she needed. I accompanied her to obstetrician and midwife appointments, reinforcing her rights and decisions while ensuring she was fully supported throughout.
Despite the pressures from medical professionals, Shevone stood firm in her autonomy, making informed choices at every stage. She understood her body, her babies, and her birth plan—and she was determined to meet her twins in the way that felt right for her.
At the end of January, Shevone went into spontaneous labour at home. Due to circumstances within the maternity system, no midwives were available to attend, meaning she birthed her babies without medical personnel present—a true free birth.
With just myself and her partner by her side, Shevone birthed both of her babies naturally, navigating the intensity of labour with strength, trust, and incredible resilience. One of her twins was even born breech, something most hospitals would have considered too “high- risk” to allow. Yet, in the comfort of her own space, with the right support and mindset, she did it—on her terms.
Alternatively give me a call today on 07808 295013 or email me directly hello@loucinabirthkeeping.co.uk
Shevone’s story is a testament to the power of informed choice, self-trust, and
physiological birth. Against the odds, she brought her twins earthside in the safety of her own home, surrounded by love and belief in her body’s capabilities.
Her journey proves that women deserve to be heard, supported, and empowered to birth in the way that feels right for them—regardless of how many caesareans they’ve had before.
Shevone, you are an inspiration. Thank you for allowing me to be part of your incredible journey.
If you’re considering an alternative approach to maternity care and want to feel fully supported in your choices, get in touch today.
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Alternatively give me a call today on 07808 295013 or email me directly hello@loucinabirthkeeping.co.uk
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